The development of skills and knowledge in all aspects of English is fostered through high-quality teaching that develops a love and appreciation for the subject. We recognise that for pupils to thrive socially, academically and emotionally, they must be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to become confident orators, readers and writers.
The teaching of new vocabulary is an essential element of how this is achieved. We want our children to be ‘word rich’ and able to confidently express themselves in all forms by drawing on a broad bank of vocabulary.
Immersion within a genre of writing, be it fiction or non-fiction, is at the centre of our approach. We endeavour to provide diverse and quality experiences of texts to give children the appropriate tools to produce their own quality writing. Through our teaching, we ensure that children have ample opportunities to write creatively and for pleasure whilst building on the technical features of writing composition, grammar, spelling and handwriting through discrete instruction and opportunities for meaningful application. We build well-rounded writers, who can write in an appropriate and engaging manner for a range of purposes and audiences.
Decoding and comprehension skills are the core of reading; these are systematically taught through a rich curriculum. We want all our children to be fluent readers who choose to read for pleasure. Class texts are carefully chosen to interest and inspire all children to become discerning readers and writers. An approach of ‘Write like a reader and read like a writer’ is used to develop:
so pupils develop their own voice to:
Writing – Composition
Writing – Handwriting
Writing – Spelling
Reading – Decoding (word reading)
Reading – Comprehension
Developing fluent readers is a priority at Jolesfield. Therefore, any child, who is identified through assessments, as at risk of reading failure is provided with additional intensive support, personalised to the needs of the individual.
For all queries please contact Natalie Saunders or Debbie Smith in the school office on: