School nurse service

SafeguardingSchool Nurse Service

Healthy Child Programme

School nurses provide confidential advice and health information. This advice is available to young people, their parents, carers and teachers. School nurses will help ensure children and young people stay fit and healthy.

As well as helping parents to bring up healthy children and young people, by providing information on healthy eating and hygiene, they also help teachers to meet any health needs children may have at school.

School nurses can also help put you in touch with or make referrals to other services your child may need. This includes hearing tests, speech and language therapy, continence services, child mental health services, dietitians and opticians.

Families can access the HCP teams by a variety of routes – themselves, through children’s centres, schools or doctor’s surgeries. No referral is necessary – any woman who is pregnant will automatically have contact with her health visitor, as should families with young children who move into West Sussex. Additionally, young people can access the service using text to ‘ChatHealth’ on 07480 635424.

Contact Details

Horsham (South)

Little Footsteps Children and Family Centre
24-26 West Street
Storrington RH20 4EE
Tel: 01273 696011 ext.4524

If you have any concerns that you would like to discuss please contact the school office and an appointment can be made to speak to the SENCO – Mr Colin Brookes (01403 710546 or email

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