KEY SAfeguarding contacts

SafeguardingSafeguarding Contacts

At Jolesfield CE Primary School, the safeguarding of our children is the highest priority. Please use the links on the left to view our school policies and guidance for parents/guardians in relation to safeguarding issues. 

The list below shows the safeguarding team within school and you can also contact West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership by visiting

Meet the Safeguarding Team

Ms Vicky Price

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Colin Brookes

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Sam Kill

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership

Call 999 for the police if you think a child is in Immediate Danger

If you are worried about your safety, or the safety of a child it’s important that you tell someone. 

If you are a child or young person and you are worried about yourself or another child click Here

If you are an adult and you are worried about a child or young person click Here

If you are a professional and you would like to refer a child or young person click Here

If you are worried about the safety of an adult see the Raise a Concern page on the West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board website.

Contact the Integrated Front door (IFD) team during office hours on:

Tel: 01403 229 900

Email from a secure email account to:

The out of office hours (5pm – 8am weekdays) and 24-hour emergency number on weekends and bank holidays is 0330 222 6664 or email from a secure email to: ensuring that you put in the subject box: ALERT FOR EDT.

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