Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning

At Jolesfield children are given opportunities to learn outside. As part of this we run ‘forest school’ style session. Activities allow children to experience the outdoors and develop their own learning. The sessions are child led and link closely to our school values of: 


Forest School is used to help teach children a variety of skills but also to see the wonderful world God has created as one of the ‘wows’ in life. Whether this is through pond dipping, cooking over an open fire, identifying wildlife or using fire lighters, children are encouraged to appreciate and take care of the natural world as a gift from God.

Here are a selection of images from these session.

“Direct contact with nature has direct benefits for children’s physical, mental and emotional health. Free play opportunities in natural settings offer possibilities for restoration, and hence, well-being.”

Stuart Lester and Martin Maudsley, Play, naturally: A review of children’s natural play

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”

John Muir

“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach of us more than we can ever learn from books.” 

John Lubbock

“Outside, quiet children start to talk more and children who find it hard to be constrained begin to relax. Children need to be outside long enough to feel at home there.”

Emma Shaw

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