

Jolesfield School Uniform

At Jolesfield CE Primary School, we are proud of our pupils. Our smart uniform reflects the community our pupils are a part of.  We want our pupils to wear their uniform, feeling proud of the school they represent.


Children are expected to wear:

  • Green sweatshirt / cardigan (available with logo from the office or online at www.yourschooluniform.com)
  • White or green short sleeved polo shirt (available with logo from the office or online at www.yourschooluniform.com)
  • Trousers / skirt / pinafores / shorts: black or grey
  • Summer dress: green / white check
  • Shoes: black shoes 
  • Black, white or grey socks/tights 


Children are expected to wear:

  • A white t-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • trainers or plimsols
  • In the colder months, a black tracksuit is also permitted

Our uniform has been planned carefully considering both cost and suitability for purpose.  The list reflects choices and options but to assist with this, please note the following are not permitted:

  • All-in-one playsuits
  • Footless tights
  • Leggings
  • Coloured or patterned socks
  • Skirts shorter than 10cm above the kneecap
  • Boots/canvas shoes/trainers with logos & branding/heels 

Children arriving at school wearing trainers will be given a pair of plimsols to change into.  

All uniform should be clearly named with first name or initial and the surname.  In order to assist with reuniting lost clothing quickly with their owner, any unnamed uniform may be named by a member of school staff using a permanent marker pen.  

Other Essential Items:

Water bottle


Drawstring PE bag

Bookbag (KS1) A book bag is also our preferred option for kS2 but a rucksack is also acceptable.

Book bags, PE bags and hats can be purchased from our school office.



Hair, longer than shoulder length, should be tied back for hygiene reasons and so as not to distract from learning.

Hair bands and clips must be minimal and discrete.  This means no large bows or hair bands.

Hairstyles should not be attention seeking e.g. extreme styles such as sculptured names/symbols, Mohicans, gelled or dyed hair are neither appropriate nor acceptable for children of primary school age.

Jewellery and make-up

Items that are absolutely required by a religion are allowed. Other jewellery is limited to a watch and plain ear studs earrings (no more than 4mm wide).

Ideally, children should be able to remove their own earrings for PE. If this is not possible, children can bring their own micropore tape to school but need to be able to cover their earrings themselves.  However, earrings must be removed for swimming.   No make-up, including nail varnish, is permitted to be worn at school.

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