
Hot Weather Information for Parents

Dear Parents and Carers 

For Monday and Tuesday, the Met Office has issued an amber weather warning for our area, with daytime temperatures due to be in the mid to high 30 degrees. The DfE and the local authority have issued guidance for headteachers to consider the risks of high temperatures on staff and children and to take all measures necessary. 

Having considered our local context, I have decided our school will be open as usual on Monday and Tuesday. We will be putting in place some measures to keep everyone safe. 

  • Children may wear PE kits (if this is at school they may change when they arrive on Monday morning) 
  • Classrooms will be kept well ventilated and children moved to cooler spaces
  • Children will be encouraged to stay hydrated throughout the day with regular drink breaks within lessons. 
  • Classrooms have fans to keep the air moving 
  • There will be no outside PE (including swimming) between 10.30 and 3.20 the hottest part of the day. 
  • Lunchtime will be shortened from 12.00 – 12.45 – children will eat indoors and have a shorter period outside in the shade only. There will be no active games or physical activity,

Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle and hat to school. 

We suggest that children put on sunscreen before coming to school. They may bring sunscreen into school for their own use, it cannot be shared with others. Children will need to be able to apply this themselves as staff will supervise but are not allowed to do it for them. 

Additional information for Year 6 

As Tuesday is due to be the peak of the heatwave we will need to make some changes to the leaver’s BBQ. We will be changing the time to 6 pm – 8 pm, this will allow for the temperature to drop and there will be increased shade on the field and pool at this time. The children will have time to swim and enjoy the BBQ but we will not be playing rounders or other active games. 

You can find further guidance on staying safe during a heatwave at 


If you have any questions please get in touch through the school office. 

Best Wishes

Simon Trahern 

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