About UsWorship
Collective worship is the beating heart of Jolesfield. It provides the opportunity for our school community to share experiences, ideas and understanding. It is the context in which the language of spirituality, which we use as a school, is regularly and explicitly shared. Our vision of creating ‘an inclusive school community where children feel rooted in the knowledge of God’s love for all people’ is brought alive through our daily act of worship.
Collective worship provides the opportunity for pupils to become aware of the importance of reflection and how our positive and negative experiences can be formative. It also provides a real sense of being present (now moments) which are often linked to invitations to pray.
Through daily Collective worship, pupils and adults experience worship. They are offered an understanding of worship by being invited to participate in, or observe, Christian spiritual practices such as: prayer, reading and reflection on the Bible and liturgy and are introduced to different musical traditions.
Opportunities to reflect on the wows of life such as beauty and joy of the world are given, as well as time to reflect and empathise with the ow moments of disappointment or pain. Pupils are given time to consider their responsibilities to others and to grow in love and service. Time is given for celebration, both for the accomplishments of school members and to mark seasonal Christian festivals and celebrations in the calendars of other faiths. In this way pupils are offered time to be able to contemplate and develop spiritually. Through the structure of a welcome, followed by learning, reflecting and responding we ensure collective worship at Jolesfield is invitational, inspirational and inclusive. In addition, worship at Jolesfield is also challenging as our weekly class worship, values and expects individual engagement and response. It ‘opens the door’ for children to make a difference by applying their learning to their lives and attitudes and by doing so, impact those around them.
Pupils are actively involved in worship rather than passive observers. For example, our School Ambassadors promote direct pupil involvement in worship through sharing prayers, lighting the candle, speaking, leading in drama activities etc. In addition, our School Ambassadors help shape the themes explored in worship and lead a worship on a theme of their choice, every term. Plus, our school ambassadors regularly evaluate worship to help us recognise our strengths and identify aspects to improve.
Message from the Rector of West Grinstead: Rev’d Alison Letschka
For the last five years or so I have really enjoyed visiting Jolesfield and welcoming the children and staff to church. Whenever the school comes to St. Michael’s, the church in Partridge Green, I always make sure they know that it’s not my church – it’s theirs! We are lucky to have two churches in the parish, St. Michael’s and St. George’s and in both there is an atmosphere of welcome, holiness and a wealth of local history. My vision is for every child and adult to be able to explore faith for themselves, discover church as a spiritual home and be uplifted by worship.
Rev. Caroline Armitage, assistant Curate, West Grinstead Parish
When I arrived in Partridge Green I was immediately struck by its strong sense of community. At the heart of this are St Michael’s church and Jolesfield School. Our vision is to see this strong link continue and deepen. The children who go through Jolesfield hear the positive message that Jesus taught of love for our neighbour. As they and their families come to church to celebrate the key festivals of the year whether it’s Remembrance or Christmas, Easter or the Leavers service they see that lived out. My belief is that they will take that memory into the future in a way that will strengthen our community’s bond of fellowship.
Almighty God,
You have created the heavens and the earth
And made us in your own image:
Teach us to discern your hand in all your works
And your likeness in all your children;
Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
Who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all things,
Now and forever.
For all queries please contact Natalie Saunders or Debbie Smith in the school office on: