About UsEthos and Vision
Our vision is that Jolesfield Church of England Primary School enables every child and adult to flourish as individuals and collectively for the good of all.
Jesus said, “ I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10 v10
We create an inclusive school community where children feel rooted in the knowledge of God’s love for all people. We aim for every child to develop a curiosity for learning and celebrate achievement in all its forms, as well as the effort that goes into making progress. The concept of flourishing, linked to ‘have it to the full’ is rooted in our belief that we all inhabit God’s world and he gave it to us to explore and cherish. Therefore, we embrace the full breadth of the curriculum and move beyond in order that our children flourish spiritually, socially, emotionally and academically. As pioneers, children develop a passion for learning, grow in confidence without fear of failure and inspire the adults around them. Our vision is communicated through our school values of:
● kindness
● thankfulness
● teamwork
● positivity
● respect
Jolesfield Church of England Primary School is committed to educational excellence and to the spiritual, moral and cultural development of all its pupils.
The School recognises and affirms its Church of England foundation and greatly values its continuing link with the parish church of St Michael and All Angels Church.
As a ‘Controlled’ Church of England school, Jolesfield enjoys close links with the local church.
“The Christian values of the school have created an inclusive, caring ethos for every pupil”
SIAMS July 2016
The content of our worship is based on teaching children about the Christian faith and values as revealed in the Bible. Kindness and tolerance towards others are encouraged and healthy self-esteem, discipline and initiative are also fostered. There are opportunities to learn, sing and pray together as well as time for quiet contemplation.
Class assemblies, celebrations of the main Christian festivals and special services to mark the end of the school year all contribute to our community life. The school worships every day.
We recognise that our children, parents and staff come from a wide variety of backgrounds with differing views on faith and commitment and our worship is sensitive to this issue. The context of our worship is Christian because we are a Church of England School. However, assemblies are organised so that everyone can participate in a way that makes sense to them.
The rights of parents to withdraw their children from acts of worship and religious education are respected.
“Leaders have a clear vision for the school based on Christian values.”
OFSTED January 2020
Our ethos and values have an impact on:
We aim to create a happy, secure and caring environment which encourages children to be self-confident and to recognise:
In teaching and learning, we aim to provide a curriculum that ensures balance, depth and relevance to each and every child, not least those with special needs. We aim to:
We recognise our position within our village and the community beyond and we aim to:
For all queries please contact Natalie Saunders or Debbie Smith in the school office on: